Show-Me F100's
President Trump
If you don't want to hear the TRUTH, then you may want to stop here before reading on.
I'm a Christian and a Republican. I don't riot or protest, beat people up or trash their businesses if they don't have the same ideas and opinions as I do. Now that's been said, here we go.
President Trump was voted into office by over 75% of the United States voting population. YES, I voted for him also (as if you hadn't already figured that out by now). :-)
I'm really getting tired of hearing all the BS about what Trump is doing. He SAID he was going to drain the swamp, and that's exactly what he's doing! Will things change overnight? Of course not! It didn't go crazy overnight, so it's going to take a little time.
If you go on a diet, you don't start losing weight overnight.....oh, you might drop a few pounds the first week because of water weight you're shedding (which is usually the first few pounds), but that diet only works if you stay on it and stay with it for months on end.
I refer to Elon Musk as a "Hunter" who releases the hounds to scare up all the birds in the bushes. That's exactly what's starting to happen, and why so many people have started to resign from their positions (this actually started within a day or two after Trump was elected). That tells me that many of these people KNEW what was going on and they didn't want to go to jail or drug into court, so they resigned, or retired. They're running scared, just like those BIRDS who got flushed out of the bushes from the hunters hounds. Elon Musk is just flushing them all out. He's NOT making decisions on his own, he's been asked to do a job, and he's doing the research to find out what's going on and getting FACTS so he can bring that info back to the President.
Good grief, it's only been a little over a month, and the Dems have been pulling so much JUNK that they are slowing things down (something they've already said they would do). If you look at the TRUTH of things and quit believing the local news channels that are only giving you "snipits" of stuff; mostly by people who don't like him, you'll see that there's so many "slush fund" companies that have been stealing our tax should make you want to scream!
I'm just thinking of USAID for starters. When I can actually find the link that shows how much money was given to USAID, I'll post it so you can look for yourself. USAID was started as an HONEST way to help unfortunate people/countries who needed our help....not teach people in Africa how to be gay!
So far there are many things that are needing to letting transgender (males) play in female sports. A man's anatomy is totally different than a females, and their muscle structure is made totally different than a female (proven fact). They don't belong competing in female sports, at least as a "wanna-be" female when they were born a male.
Trump has put a stop to that, and there are still Dems that are fighting him on this "Executive Order" and are actually trying to push things even farther, like changing the term "mother" and start calling them "inseminated person". Oh, you don't want me to even go there! Do a Google search and you can read the article yourself.
Oh, and the Measles outbreak mostly in Texas? They were mostly a Mennonite community, and none of them had ever been vaccinated. Remember, for the last 4 years we've been letting over 11 million illegals into our country, and we don't know if they've been vaccinated.
SO HERE WE GO: There is an old saying I grew up on. "If you can't say anything GOOD about someone, don't say anything at all!" If you just want to start trouble, get out of the WAY 'cuz President Trump is going to keep opening things up so we ALL can actually SEE where our tax money is going and to WHAT and WHERE!
I'm all for that, and although I may not agree with everything he wants to do (bitcoin or tictoc for instance), I support him 'cuz he's doing what he can do to see just WHY it costs so much to run our country every year and where the extra money is going.
Yes, we understand this has been going on for many decades, it's NOT just the Dems. There are corrupt people on both sides of the track.
Stop back off and on 'cuz you never know what I may add next! Enjoy!
If you call yourself a Christian, then why aren't you registered to VOTE?
I'm still amazed at the statistics of Christians opposed to Non-Christians that not only DON'T vote, but aren't even registered!
Come on everyone! These are hard times and with all the illegals that the Democrats are getting registered to vote in our country, it's time for Christians to STAND UP, get registered and VOTE!
It's part of our DUTY to vote, especially if you're a Christian! You can't get rid of the BAD APPLES if you don't VOTE THEM OUT!
Even GOD has BORDERS! Don't believe me? Read the Bible! Do you actually think that HELL isn't a border?! Of course it is! God even MADE Hell because of the devil! He SAYS so in the Bible!
God also has His own RULES! It's part of the 10 Commandments! They were written as a "guide" for us and if you want to break it down, they're technically "borders" and they're for mankind.
So, if you don't want to have any SAY, then don't vote, but realize a "non" vote is the same as giving the other side an additional vote. And don't COMPLAIN when something happens, or you get upset from all these
Non-Christian people who get into politics and want to cram their "wanna-be" beliefs into our school systems, and other things that are harming us more than helping us.
I don't see why "I" have to pay for people who went to college and still haven't paid or TRY to pay for their college degrees! And since WHEN is government allowed to make those rules anyway?!
I didn't go to college when I graduated from high school because I couldn't AFFORD it, and my family couldn't either! That's just ONE thing that comes to mind right up front. Trust me, there's a host of other things that I could list, but I don't want to wear out my FINGERS this early in the evening! (Yes, I'm grinning)!
So, get off your DUFF and register to vote! Here's a link you can read about it! You can even register ONLINE! These are some of the Amendments that they're putting on our Nov. ballot. Stop by and read some of them.
Israel - why are WE (the U.S.) dictating how they protect their country?!
You don't have to agree with my opinion at all, in fact, if it bothers you, then don't read any farther!
For months I've been listening, watching, and praying about the war in Israel and I can't believe what's going on here in the U.S. The President (Biden) says he supports Israel, but then turns around and tries to dictate what Israel should or shouldn't do to stop the war. Even the Bible says you either are FOR God, or AGAINST Him! Israel was given to the Jewish people. God gave the land to His people.....the JEWS! It doesn't belong to anyone else, let alone terrorists who want to destroy ALL the Jews all over the WORLD! (which they have already said over and over again)!
Anyone who is an American citizen knows that WE don't let another country "dictate" how we run our country! PERIOD! Then to add to the craziness, we're letting other people take over our colleges (over 50% aren't even college students), and "protest" (they're calling them PEACEFUL) and "live" on the college grounds harassing, fighting and stopping Jewish students from entering the grounds so they can go to school?! Come On America! Get a LIFE!
The BIBLE tells us to support Israel, and in fact tells us that HE (God) will bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel. Sorry, but I'm backing Israel 'cuz the land was given to the Jews (First to the Jew, then to the Gentile), and I believe in the WORD of God, so there isn't anything else I would do or think about doing because the Bible is TRUTH.
Hamas (known as terrorists) were voted in by the Palestinians as someone to run the territory to help it prosper. That never happened by the way, instead they've dug tunnels under schools, churches, hospitals and under residential apartment buildings where they can easily transfer drugs, weapons and anything they want.
Here are just some of the Facts!
Was Palestine Ever It's Own Country? The country's name was changed in 1949 from Transjordan to Jordan, and Palestinians were given seats in the Jordanian Parliament. A royal decree in March 1949 forbade the use of the term "Palestine" in legal documents, and other measures were designed to emphasize that there would not be an independent Palestine.
Historical Palestine is made up of the current Palestinian territories of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank—referred to as the State of Palestine—and the country of Israel. Both of these territories were captured by Israel during the Six-Day War in 1967. In these areas combined, there are around 7 million Palestinians.
If you want some more in depth information, go to this link:
Christians, get off your butt and STAND UP for Israel!
Bj's "Say Something" page
I'm actually adding the original post I made (way back when), and of course, anything "NEW" will be added here because I won't be able to work on the old website because of hosting changes. Don't worry, you won't lose anything at all! If you want to go back to all the original posts, just click the link below and you'll find them. See? I haven't forgotten you at all! It's my CYA move when dealing with changing HOSTS! ;-) (Yes, I'm grinning)!